Starting to jump the shark, but still ok....
23 September 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I first saw this film in a theater in Vero Beach, Florida, back around September of 1992; I had seen the first two and was eager for the third installment, and had great expectations....but ended up underwhelmed.

Sadly, there was no Kirsty - guess Ashley Laurence had had enough of the role at the time - I can't imagine any studio passing her over had she wanted to be in this one.

Terry Ferrell, however, does provide some very nice eye candy - as well as the ever-lovely Paula Marshall, whom we get to see in a short nightshirt when she spends the night at Joey's (Terry Ferrell's character) high-rise NYC condo.

Pinhead finds a silly way to return (via the "morbid totem pole thingie"), but since the whole series is wildly on the fantastical side, I doubt may viewers were too concerned.

He recruits some new "Troops" (Cenobites), and they proceed to wage chaos on in NYC - even taking on some NYPD units in a ridiculous way.

Silly as it was, it appears this one had a larger budget than either of the first two installments - but that doesn't save it from mediocrity, unfortunately.

We do get to see a little of Elliot Spencer, the British officer who became the ever iconic Pinhead - so that, plus the lovely ladies of the film, make it worth viewing at least once.

Most people are aware that the Hellraiser series only goes downhill from here - Hellraiser 4 wasn't so great, either - although we did get to see a bit of an origin story; all the subsequent Hellraiser films are just feeble attempts at going back to the franchise teat, and not really worth anyone's time.
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