Brexitannia (2017)
A piece to help you think
23 September 2018
This movie is a fascinating collection of opinions and thoughts on the subject of the Brexit vote, delivered straight to the camera from people living in Britain, post-vote. It also adds an interesting mix of "expert" opinion to the end of the film.

I felt this documentary really succeeded at capturing passionate and persuasive opinions from many angles. I really liked this approach. There were people who I agreed with and disagreed with on both sides of the issue. I could also feel my own opinion shift around a bit as I watched.

The film doesn't hide from the complexity of the situation, so as a result many ideas come into play. This makes it more interesting, but it also makes it harder to come to a simple resolution of your own. (Not a bad thing in my opinion.)

The last quote in the film is really interesting. I had to watch it twice to make sure I got it. It reinforced to me the careful approach that the film took-and the priority it made of helping to generate understanding (in place of its agenda or criticisms). Definitely recommended for those interested in the nature of Brexit- and in politics as they exist today.
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