Psychokinesis (2018)
Give it a try
22 September 2018

Last year this director brought us one, if not the best Zombie films called Train To Busan which wone praise world wide so naturally I had very high hopes for the follow up.

PSYCHOKINESIS the power to move objects with your mind and a power which we would all love to have, a normal anti hero manages to acquire this ability and goes about putting his relationship with his daughter to rights.

Korean film with English subtitles this film is enjoyable in many ways, acting by the main baddie is too over the top and the authorities are just brain dead clones but for its target audience being the complete opposite of the Zombie festival last year this film is enjoyable and fun.

You wont see this at any cinema in English but if you do see this or Train To Busan on Netflix give them a try, you may be surprised

Rating 7 out of 10
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