Clean, Shaven (1993)
An uncomfortable experience that could have been better
19 September 2018
A film about a man with mental illness who wants to recover his daughter, this really sounded who could mak me cry, give some big emotions, show the values of family the movie choiced to be remembered for be very umcomfortable.

By a start the story really feels that is only 30 minutes of the entire movie, the main character does what he has to do to recover his daughter and let's just say with a poor method, I am not gonna spoil I'll just leave it there and the rest of the movie is just watch him deal with his mental illness through weird and some gory sequences that do not contribute to the development of something in anyway they just exist for he sake of be weird.

The writer could have shown some plotholes who are left through the entire movie, I mean they do explain some stuff but just thinking a bit logically from what we have in the summary here, why does a woman had a child with a person who obviously lacks his mental faculties? Did a mental institution really just let go this kind of man just like that without anyone to watch over him? They could explain that he ran away or something but they decided to spend time in uncomfortable scenes after all the main character has mental illness so the lack of progress is justified.

Indeed they are right Peter really just suffers through almost all the movie with his problems and they make sure to make some of them shocking enough, also he does not talk a lot something vital when he want to get some information about his daughter so the plot has to move some way to make him find her, I won't tell how it does it but once he make it try to think how did he got there and you'll see a problem.

Sounds like I didn't like the movie just because the mental illness but no! I have to say they really knew how to capture it and not only just see it but feel really in the case of sounds, we practically hear in some scenes what Peter hears in order to understand his situation better sad it only works as something decorative.

5.8/10 A story that needed more story development and less "let's be weird for the sake of it" factor.
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