17 September 2018
I'm a firm believer that there is no such thing as a neutral or objective documentary. In fact, some of the best documentaries, in my view, are thesis driven ones with a strong point of view.

Nick Broomfield sure isn't shy about his point of view and where his sympathies lie in "Aileen: Life and Death of a Serial Killer". And that's fine. But what is not fine are the countless factual errors, half-truths and omissions that are too many to list in a simple review. That would take an essay.

Let me just say that when Broomfield in his narration describes Wournos as one of the most honest persons he's met, he comes off as more than a little naive.

As a corrective I can recommend the book "Lethal Intent" by Sue Russell published in 2002. Just hang in there, it picks up after the first quarter or so.
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