Life Is Strange (2015 Video Game)
Somewhere in Time
15 September 2018
There isn't a day that goes by sometimes whenever I think of the friends I had in the past and what they may 'be doing right now. Despite wherever they are and whatever their doing with their lives their never far from my thoughts. This is not just one of my favorite adventure games of all time but also one of my favorite video games in general. It's an emotionally moving game just full of heart, though also at the same time one of the saddest video games I've ever played.

The graphical presentation is great, from the background, to the character animation. I really love the music in the game there are a lot of memorable tracks, it would be awesome to download those tracks to an iPod or even play on a vinal record.

I really love the story which is original and full of heart, yeah sure it's the typical time travel premise but it's the execution that makes it stand out. The story reminds me a little of the anime film "The Girl Who Leapt Though Time" which was about a girl that had the ability to travel in the past but not without repercussions. Despite a revolving mystery throughout the game, it's more concerned about the character drama the friendship between both Maxine and Chloe.

The characters are great, their all surprisingly relatable or people we may know or have known whether you a teenager or we're that age, it really gives that sense of familiarity to the game making it more engaging and touching. I really like the protagonist Maxine, I can relate to her a little I wouldn't say I'm highly into photography as she is though I have done some of that in high school.

She's sorts of on the passive aggressive side, a bit shy, introverted even I'm a little like that. She's no wall flower but she has a little trouble putting herself out there and acting, but she can do it given the proper motivation or simply right time which she does. She of course can travel in time, how she can we never know why nether does she whether it's a mutant ability or something God or Fate granted her your guess is as good as mine. It seems like with this she has been given a certain amount of freedom to do whatever it is she need or wants to do without many to any consequences, like playing certain pranks, retrieving certain information, asking anyone out without risking embarrassment, just anything.

But as she's about to learn the hard way with great power comes great responsibility as we discover her use of the power there are not just consequences socially but also in the whole of time and reality itself. There is also another catch as we see the power does hurt her body as she produces nose bleeds, which makes sense the more she uses her mental time warp ability the more her biological functions weaken. Which in a way made me concerned for the protagonist's life as using it hurts her sometimes but also shows this power has limitations and that despite what she can do she's not invincible.

Chloe is just a beautiful character, she very much reminds me of my wife when she was that age. I really love that she's rebellious, feisty, a little fiery, she's not perfect as she a little guilty of anti-social behavior but for a reason. She's a little aimless as she still doesn't totally know what she wants to do and be in her life. But she fun as she got some sharp sometimes funny charisma, she love rock music, also an anime fan as she dyed her hair blue (though truth be told she looks better without the dye), but also what I love about her is that she has tremendous courage as she a person that does and acts on what she feels but also doesn't care what anyone thinks of her she just wants to be herself whichever it is, which is something I can also relate to because I'm that way too and so is my wife which is part of why I love her.

Really like supporting character Luke he's just awesome he's uncannily like myself in real life, which made me almost feel like this character was modeled after myself (though I don't look like that character in real life for the record). As he's a person that loves films and is into the sci-fi which are the things I'm into. He's not too smooth like with Max he's a little on the shy side but not short of courage as he really does hold his own against danger and isn't afraid to stand up for his best friend/would be girlfriend Maxine but most importantly doesn't take crap from anyone.

I really love the chemistry between both Maxine and him which I thought was sweet though I'll admit is the only bad thing about the game I wish there were more scenes between the two let alone he's not in it much. Maybe if they decide to make another spin off game where he's the main character, may 'be we will.

Oh well, I can't really complain too much since this game is really focused and about the friendship between both and Chloe. I honestly found myself truly caring for both characters, the way their handled and the relatability I mentioned they feel almost like people that can exist in real life. The time they spend together and what they do is just beautiful and is relatable because we've had times like that with our best friends, which also makes it more heartbreaking. As I play the game more and more I'm hopping that somehow it will all turn out alright in the end for both but like in time and life itself there are no guarantees.

As usual with the adventure games it's like with any of the "Choose Your Own Adventure" books where each decision effects the outcome of the game so chose carefully. The revolving mystery throughout the game is intriguing as one thing leads to another but there is a surprise twist in it which I honestly didn't see a mile away and I like that I don't get that feeling often. I really like is the use of the time travel function which really comes in handy, as were not just able to correct a mistake or two we made, get out of certain sticky situations, but also, we'd be able to get some information that we need which in a way really enhance the detective role. I really like one part of the game which really gave me the experience of being a detective where you have this cork board with lots of photos that are pined up and your have to put them all together to see how the photographs tie in with the hard evidence you gathered, I thought that was interesting because it's like putting together a jigsaw puzzle.

This game has many themes about this game is that deals with issues like the constant conflict of both past and present, how difficult it is to transition with the times, how little we know about our fellow man, how much someone can be different and the same throughout change, how much we struggle to hold on to some remnants of the past so we don't lose ourselves in the every changing present and upcoming future, taking responsibility for decisions we make in the past and present truly affect the future, loss, friendship and the value of it.

But most importantly it's also about heroism how it's about, making the hard choices to do what is right for not just yourself but the whole of humanity. I'll admit in these moments when the really hard decisions came I honestly had trouble pressing that button because I knew what would happen, but I also know what would happen if I didn't which would make things even worse. This game had a couple of scenes which I'm not kidding made me break down and cry, I won't say what they are, but they were just an emotional gut punch.

Time and distance can never separate friendship, despite how much we may miss them or one they are always in our hearts.

Rating: 4 stars
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