Spider-Man (2018 Video Game)
As spectacular as Spider-Man deserves to be, and MORE!
14 September 2018
Simply calling the game 'Spider-Man' is the singular best title of the year, and is absolutely necessary, since this is the ultimate Spidey experience to date. Surpassing previous legends such as Spider-Man 2 for the PS2, and yes, the original Spider-Man for the PS1, because of it's enthralling, emotionally gravitating story with great use of emotion, dialogue and direction. The cinematography and music on display here is beyond anything we've ever seen in any game, let alone any Spider-Man movies. This the best directed Spider-Man story to date. The game also takes a surprising amount of time setting up layers and characters, which pays off immensely. Insomniac takes creative liberties in the lore of the character, but also with some really heavy, graphic depiction of terrorism which effected me quite a bit emotionally. "Wow, I'd never expect to see anything like this in a Spider-Man game." Sometimes I'd almost expect, one scene in particular, that would earn the game an R rating. There are some nitpicks, such as the over-use of stealth sections with MJ and Miles Morales, and way too much time dedicated to Mr Negative, but besides that, this is an excellent, excellent game, not just for Spider-Man fans, but for fans of great directed drama. And Insomniac excels at all of it.

-Olle Henriksson
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