The Deep (2015– )
The deep continued
13 September 2018
Its one of the best made cartoons available anywhere, because u used current graphics and people insted of dorky looking ,weird shaped people, with graphics from 40 yrs ago. Its seems like other than the deep and a very few others technology, has went backwards. I've watched scooby do with better graphics and storylines, from 40-50 yrs ago, that's why I was happy to see a well made nice cartoon like this one . I wish u would at least do enough episodes to finish the story . I would like to know if they ever find lemuria and what happen and the things they go through to get there. Since I didnt really say b 4 , I am almost 46, and have plenty of people I know and their kids that would love this show to b finished. Thanks for the great cartoon , but if u would I would like to see it finished even if it's for Netflix or IMDb, whatever others. That is what a cartoon is supposed to look like , not the stupid shit they put on tv now. There were a couple of other shows a little older than urs , but they had good stories and great graphics, but the people that operate the cartoon channels show dumb shit, that looks like something made by , not to sound mean to the kids , but like 5 and 6 yr olds would draw or make. I love kids and I love cartoons , but almost everything now is either screwy like what I was talking about ,stupid or Lego. I am so sick of insted of being made like they should be ,like ur deep, they choose to make anything DC. Lego, stupid , insted of an actual cartoon they did great with the animated series' from the 90s and up to about 2009 or so. I dont see anything like that ,even if they were to reshow all of the old ones from that time ,none of the kids growing up now would have seen them and they all would love them just like we used to. My nephews quit watching for any good cartoons . They liked the teen titans ,but hated teen titans go. They liked the ultimate spiderman, and the newest onemarvels spider man, they like princess Sofia the 1st, and elena of Avalon, because of how they r made, even the new ducktales and monkeys roadster racers . They watch all of that but everything else ,that looks like teen titans go or worse they will not watch. It my nephews and their friends the cartoons they make today are not any good ,except for those few I named. Nothing DC cartoons have made and that's alot, ever get showed and every single one of them had better graphics and prolly sound better than what people make now. To round it all out kids love superheroes and none of the cartoon channels show them except for marvel, and that's only about 3 . There is no DC cartoons on anything, except that teen titans go. The boys used to watch the few Netflix had to offer when they visited me , but not Netflix doesn't have but a very few batman cartoons , none of superman , none of justice league anything. I'm sorry, to vent about all this ,but kids growing up have no idea who batman , superman , wonder womN the flash ,or the justice league because ,it seems DC is only interested in movies and tv shows , but they all started with being in comic books and then cartoons. I would like to see people make good time ,thought out decent cartoons . It should be easier now, than ever b 4, cause they can do it with computers. Anyways I sort of got off topic, sorry bout that. I just hate seeing good cartoons like urs not even get to finish the storyline ,b 4 someone quits or some old fat pulls the funding or whatever. That is 1 cartoon that should still be on every day more so than the crap they make and show for cartoons now. Thanks , hope u finish the story.
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