A worthy sequel
12 September 2018
This picks up shortly after the first one. We find Earl hasn't made the best decisions financially with the money he's made since the first Graboid fiasco. His partner has gone on to other things. When a Mexican refinery head contacts him about a Graboid problem he's reluctant to go after them but persuaded by an enthusiastic young man named Grady. Soon they're off to fight the new threat.

This one is a lot of fun. It has some of the same spirit as the first. While it doesn't quite reach the same heights in an enjoyable film all the same. It does enough different to not be too repetitious but keeps things familiar and lose what made the first one great. Overall, the acting is solid. The FXs are good, and there's plenty of action to be had.

As far as sequels go, this is the best one in my honest opinion. Despite how you may feel about further entries in the franchise it is a solid entry that doesn't get enough love. I enjoy pretty much every film in the series to some degree, but not of them are as good as the first two. This is one I will continue to enjoy every so often and one that will remain in the rotation for many years to come.

My Rating: 7.5/10
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