OMG!! Darcy, move on already!!
10 September 2018
I cant stand to watch Jessie throw one more of his ridiculous baby fits over things that dont mean anything. I mean you stepped on his shoe??!!!??? Seriously??? HE has issues. You have issues. You dont need a man like that. Anytime something comes up, he cuts you right off not caring what you have to say, In his words to avoid all your drama. WHAT??? He's the drama queen not you girl. You just want to be heard, explain, talk through it. His reaction is always to jump up, scold you on what he sees as your fault, remind you that you need some help to work on yourself then run off somewhere to pout like a child. You're not a perfect woman, neither are am I, but you most certainly dont need that crap in your life for sure. Hes friggen nuts, girl. Send him back home to mummy.
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