L'onore e il rispetto: Episode #4.4 (2015)
Season 4, Episode 4
Reprehensible and Irresponsible message
6 September 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Spoilers ......

If this were a film in Italy 1940's I might understand even if I hated it. But for 2015 it continues to deliver the worst message to young men and to the religion brainwashed people of Italy and other countries who will see this.

It is known by me since more than 40 years the double standard of the macho men in Latin countries. They marry, have children AND have mistress and men on the side. These good catholic married men go to find sex with other men like themselves in toilets, parks and the dunes of the beaches. The majority do this. I know from personal experience.

That the Victorious in this episode are the brutal, savage and barbaric supporting this cultural mentality is beyond my comprehension.

The message being always the same, the headline and teachings of the bloody degenerate catholic church, itself a total fraud and hypocrisy, that homosexuals are unnatural, beasts and should/ must die.

The murder of these two fine and beautiful young men by their fathers is so grotesque I can hardly find words. At least if in the same night IF the mother had murdered her daughter, husband and the father of Daniele it would have been some consolation.

But still no justification. These episodes were produced by and the script written by hateful demented people whose own hatred, ignorance and bigotry are evident.

The lads should have escaped to New York. That would have been in keeping with the present and future. What was shown was savage and against all morality of the present time not to mention EU conventions.

It was also illogical. These young men would not have stopped but driven as fast and hard right through those two hate filled men. Any intelligent person would have because they would have known the danger from men who only know violence.

So it seems that secretly and inwardly Italy is still a fascist country in heart and soul. Otherwise such a story line could not be accepted. Homosexuals were sent to concentration camps, gassed and burned from Italy by the fascists. These brutal and mindless murders have nothing to do with Mafia honour or respect. Quite the opposite and I think even the real Mafia would not feel what these men did was honourable. I have known many of the Mafia and their families in my life in the USA.

I am sorry such a series could be aired and successful, ashamed of the actors that accepted such a script and saddened about Italy which I loved and where I once lived for a time and feel nothing but contempt for the makers of these episodes especially.
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