Review of Sisters

Sisters (2017)
Uneven drama
5 September 2018
This show is a bit hard to grade because it's so uneven. This is already apparent in the genre that's being labeled. On Netflix this show is being categorized as a comedy but on IMDb it's listed as a drama. You could argue that's it's a dramedy but I disagree. To me this show is very clearly a drama. Let's start with the beginning. The initial story of the show is about a doctor who used his own sperm in hundreds of fertilization procedures for women who couldn't get pregnant. The focus of the show is not on the old man but on all his "children" trying to find out if they are actually his children and finding their siblings in the process. Their's the second problem: that's not nearly as interesting as the makers think it is. For example, the argument is being made that the doctor destroyed peoples lives. If you're going to say something like that, then at least tell the audience why that is the case. These women asked for an anonymous donor and they got it. It's illegal sure, but that's besides the point for the most part in this show. No, the real strength of Sisters is in the well written characters and in other stories. The marital problems between Edie and Tim is by far the most interesting story. At times it seems that the show knows this because some episodes focus completely on the side stories and forget about the main one. In the end this show is only 7 episodes long and except for maybe the marital issues none of the storylines get a proper ending. There's simply too much going on and some things get glossed over or seemed to have been skipped entirely in the end. It is very possible that a second season will address all of this but the first season should have done a better job. If their will be a second season remains to be seen. I hope so as I'm interested in seeing what direction they will take.
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