If You're Having Trouble Sleeping - Watch This! It Could Send A Glass Eye To Sleep
1 September 2018
I find science incredibly interesting...

However, this documentary is beyond boring!

It is so poorly explained; my dog could have done a better job.

I was continually guessing throughout the documentary on what the whole point was.

Only finally when the documentary finished (thank god) did I understand the point of it, which was - NOTHING!

It was utterly meaningless.

The point of the 9 scientists from all around the world meeting up, was for nothing! - There was no overall outcome whatsoever... It was a completely pointless achievement!?

They talked about their particular profession to the former scientist in the documentary, and apart from that... NOTHING happened, let alone be discovered!

Honestly, it was a waste of life... Do yourself a favour, don't bother!

Listening to paint dry will entertain you infinitely more...

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