Fabulous! Animation, color, music, humor, and so much more make this a timeless film for children and adults alike
1 September 2018
What's there not to love about "Yellow Submarine"? I can't remember if I ever saw the whole film before but just saw the digitally restored version outdoors on the big screen.

It's great for the whole family (though some of the animated violence might bother the very young, perhaps preschool and younger). My elementary aged daughter sang along, laughed quite a bit, and kept talking about the film on the way home.

I think it's even more exciting for adults, who will enjoy the humor more (the funniest line for me was a reference to an English teacher). Considering the historical context of the late 1960s, this was a perfect antidote to the Vietnam War and civil unrest in the U.S., painting, quite literally, a Wonderland-like answer of love ("All You Need is Love") and peace.

The animation is remarkable - and would be even if it were made today. The bright colors, shapes, playful subplots, fantastic characters, and clever social commentary all highly recommend the film.

And, of course, the obvious - what great music! Even if the movie were viewed as one extended early music video, it would be groundbreaking and delightful. If the well-known songs don't already inspire sing-along (we were outdoors but even indoors in a theater it would be difficult not to join in!), there is an explicit invitation by the Beatles themselves to sing.

I wish films that films that treated so many interesting issues without offensive language or inappropriate violence were more the norm today. We have a lot to cherish in "Yellow Submarine" but also to learn from.
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