Paradise PD (2018–2022)
31 August 2018
I feel so sorry for Black and O'Guin; as a truly long-term fan of Brickleberry, it must have been soul-destroying for them to lose the show they loved and not be allowed to make more episodes.

So they did the next best thing and here's Paradise PD.

But the problem is: it's the same show, but the characters aren't nearly as endearing. They're all just a bit too weird and unlikeable.

The jokes are the same, but they fall flat without Ethel and Denzel to deliver them in their original Brickleberry setting. Even the walking dog, Bullet, is a pale imitation of Malloy.

I will watch all the episodes in homage to the creators, but this isn't Brickleberry 2, or even 1.1; it's a weaker show as the creators blew their load (creatively - don't be rude) on Brickleberry and this is a pale substitute.

Blame Comedy Central for not allowing further episodes to be made, OR for graciously allowing the creators to shift the show to Netflix. But that's another story for another day.

If you liked Brickleberry there's enough to enjoy here. For everyone else, it's a bit too weird and offensive and crude. It's definitely NOT for kids!!!
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