Departure (III) (2015)
An overlooked piece in movie history
26 August 2018
Warning: Spoilers
This cinematic piece had me in tears it hit so close to home. Elliot truly displayed the pain of not being heard and watching life happen from the distance even though the movie was mainly his point of view. He showed that his heartbreak was so overlooked and everything around him was going faster than he could process that in the end he was just so frustrated he took everything in his own hands.

I think my absolute favorite part about this movie is that it captured every aspect of life instead of just being an LGBT film. It shows the struggles of having parents who are constantly winning and losing a love-hate war and that romance and finding love isn't the only thing going on in ones life, which again is my favorite part. It captures the character and not the genre. This is a whole new concept for movies and it was so well thought out and constructed that by the time it got to the scene where the fall leaves were falling in his room, I was tearing up, and I never cry. This is one of the best movies i've ever seen.
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