22 August 2018
Warning: Spoilers
You know you are in for a rough ride when the opening has "Virgin Mary sitings" as opposed to "sightings". The beginning of the film is a spoiler as it tells you how it ends. Little Ricky consumes a cursed Eucharist and begins to have Virgin Mary sightings, one which looks Mexican as opposed to the Nordic lily white Mary we all know is how she really appears. Some in the family believes he is demon possessed as he lays on the ground and stares aimlessly at the sky.

Next his sister Sara (Maria Fonseca Sotolongo) goes off her meds, and she starts seeing stuff too. Like I said, we already knows how it ends. How the film gets to that point is done in an extreme amateur fashion with bad acting and script. Film includes English subtitles when Spanish is spoken. Might have some MST value if it is free. Carmen (Nellie Gonzalez) is the closet thing to eye candy in this film (lingerie).

Parental Guide: No F-bombs, minor swearing. No sex, a couple starts to make love but stops. Some blurred demon nudity. Careers violently killed
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