Far Cry Primal (2016 Video Game)
An underrated hidden gem!
20 August 2018
Warning: Spoilers
FC: Primal is the FC: Origins of the series. It takes the core of the series, which is survival and gets back to the beggining of mankind, where three tribes fight each other for supremacy.

You are the "hero" of the Cro-Magnon, the Indoeuropean tribe and your tribe is almost extinct by the tribe of cannibalistic Neanderthals and a pyromaniac Native-American tribe. You have to conquer their lands & defeat their chiefs, by the AC-inspired common system, where you conquer their "bases". Except for this main quest, you have extra characters quests that enrichen the somewhat swallow story and give you bonuses.

The system I liked the most is the beasts system. You just wanna catch em all, because you will need them in the very-hard quests. Yes, each base & quest has 4 levels of difficulty, that never get lower. So, don't rush into the "very-hard" ones if you are not ready. And always use the owl, that inspired afterwards the eagle in AC: Origins.

In a nutshell, I definetely reccomend FC: Primal, especially if you are a newcomer to this insane series! If not, enjoy this unique setting and by far the BEST main playable character of the series, Takkar who is THE Alpha Male! And I put it third in my personal rating, now that I've played every main installment:

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