400 Days (2015)
Intriguing and Frustrating
11 August 2018
Warning: Spoilers
The astronauts Theo (Brandon Routh), Emily (Caity Lotz), Dvorak (Dane Cook) and Bug (Ben Feldman) are locked in an underground facility imitating a spaceship for 400 days simulating the travel to a distant planet. The intent is to study the psychological effect caused by the long isolation period without contact or communication with the outside world. They experience hallucinations and weird noises on the outside and close to the day 400, they see a stranger in their ship. When the man flees, Theo and Bug leave the facility and they find outside world dusty, dark and desolate. They decide to walk to seek somebody and while Dvorak believes it is part of the experiment, Theo, Emily and Bug believe that something bad may happen on Earth.

"400 Days" is an intriguing thriller with an absolutely frustrating conclusion. There are flaws in the story (how a weak man like Bug is selected for such experience is probably the worst) but in general the film builds the mystery with an increasing tension. Unfortunately the lack of conclusion is a cold shower in the viewer. My vote is five.

Title (Brazil): "Protegido: 400 Dias" ("Protected: 400 Days")
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