Review of The Pyx

The Pyx (1973)
a creditable but not entirely successful effort from Canada
11 August 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Called upon to investigate a potential crime scene, the police discover the body of a handsome woman who, for whatever strange reason, is dressed in an unusual diaphanous robe. Did her death result from an accidental fall, suicide or murder ? The detectives soon discover that the dead woman was a drug-addicted prostitute called Elizabeth. Unravelling the strange and vicious story behind her demise will take longer - and will entail great risks...

Let's start with the good. "The pyx" was quite good at suggesting that ancient evils and occult ceremonies can live and thrive even in the most advanced of modern cities. The juxtaposition of the mundane with the uncanny was well done - and quite gripping. There was also a moving evocation of the life of a prostitute, with its fear, artificiality and loneliness. The interesting music was an integral part of the movie, greatly contributing to the general mood.

Sadly the movie, after a very atmospheric and slow-burning build-up, took a turn for the worse somewhere around the 4/5th mark, becoming both more cheesy and more implausible. The ending too was far from brilliant. If there ever was an ending which called out for an outburst of supernatural terror, existential despair or visual weirdness, it was here, in "The pyx"- but no. A case of "not with a bang, but with a whimper"...

If you want to see how this kind of thing should be done, go and watch "Rosemary's baby", which (unlike "The pyx") is a straight ten stars.
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