Night of the Twisters (1996 TV Movie)
Night of the Twisters: Why do I keep watching these things?
10 August 2018
This straight to television prime material for the Scyfy channel garbage somehow manages to be even worse than the average movie of it's ilk and that's really saying something.

Starring John "Dukes of Hazard" Schneider and a young Devon "Idle Hands/Final Destination" Sawa this is the most boring and generic movie of it's type I think I've ever seen.

A town is hit with a series of twisters and yadayadayada. No originality, all the usual scenes you'd expect to see and even everyones performances seem phoned in.

It's like nobody even tried, not the actors, not the director and sure as hell not the writers.

Even hardcore bad movie buffs might struggle with this one.

The Good:

John Schneider

The Bad:

Cliched to hell

Looks ugly

Loses steam real fast

Things I Learnt From This Movie:

This movie blows

^ Twister joke, highbrow humour at its best
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