"Hey! I Thought This Was Supposed To Be A Party!"...
8 August 2018
THE STEPFATHER begins with an introduction to the title character, Jerry Blake (Terry O'Quinn). Jerry is looking a bit disheveled, in a full beard. He's also covered in blood! Pictures on the walls of his home tell us that he has... well, he had a family. The scene in his living room makes it quite clear that Jerry has put an end to that, and is moving on. This all happens in the first three minutes!

Enter Susan (Shelly Hack), Jerry's new wife, and her daughter Stephanie (Jill Schoelen). While Susan can't believe how fortunate she is to have found such a perfect man as Jerry, Stephanie is having difficulty with the change. She also notices something a bit off about her new "dad". Is Stephanie just being insecure? What could possibly be wrong with a stepfather wanting the perfect family? Wellll, his last family certainly found that out!

Now, as time goes by, Jerry finds problems developing, and his dream might just be coming undone. Alas, his way of coping with such difficulties isn't very healthy. How long will it take for the nightmare to start? Meanwhile, Jim, Jerry's highly suspicious ex-brother in-law attempts to track Jerry down. He's got plans of his own for Jerry.

This is O'Quinn's signature role, and he plays it beautifully. Jerry is a semi-sympathetic role, and made me hope that his new situation would -somehow- work out, for everyone's sake. It is genuinely frightening to watch him mentally unravel, knowing full well what he's capable of doing. Ms. Hack plays the oblivious spouse, overlooking things, hoping it's all in her head. Ms. Schoelen is Jerry's foil, seeing through his false surface, knowing right off the bat that something just isn't right about this guy. When she gets a glimpse of him as he truly is, it confirms her prior fears. The question is, will anyone believe her in time?

This is a horror / suspense / thriller done to perfection. Jerry would be so proud...
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