Jaguar Lives! (1979)
This particular Jaguar has no bite!
8 August 2018
This rubbish ought never to have been made, it makes for rather embarrassing viewing. Real life Karate and Kickboxing champion Joe Lewis had the potential to become another martial arts leading man in films. He had the look but also the talent as a martial artist. Sadly, it wasn't to be. Joe Lewis was one of these outspoken types, especially regarding injustice - which didn't endear him to Hollywood producers. He claimed they made promises to him which weren't fulfilled whilst he made "Jaguar Lives." The story is just the same old damn thing, so I won't comment there. Donald Pleasence, for all of his one scene appearance, was paid about $35,000. Not bad for a couple of days work! The same applies to Christopher Lee. At least Joe Lewis knew what he was doing during the choreography sequences and pulls it off well. Otherwise, this movie is completely forgettable.
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