Our World War (2014)
Exceptional...though a bit hard to watch.
7 August 2018
World War One was perhaps the most god-awful war to have fought in and although more documentaries and films have been made about the Second World War, the First killed off far more soldiers....leaving almost an entire generation of men gone or physically and emotionally damaged. "Our World War" is a show that finally gives the attention this hellish war deserves. However, it's NOT a traditional documentary consisting of grainy old footage. Instead, the BBC recreated select battles based on the notes and letters of enlisted men. It's brilliantly made and the BBC spare little expense to get the British soldier's experience right.

By the way, I do NOT recommend this great series to everyone. It's bloody, awful to watch at times and it's not a bad idea to have some Kleenex handy. This is because you get to know and like the men...and then, much of the time, then see them die before your very eyes in very vivid ways. If you've had PTSD, do not watch the show. If you have kids, do NOT let them watch the show. And, as for yourself...think twice about watching because the show is so well made, it's also horrid to watch.
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