D'Angelo Makes More Garbage
7 August 2018
Frank D'Angelo is kind of a joke in the Hamilton community because he inherited a family fortune and has frittered it away on vanity projects trying to make himself a famous singer, actor and filmmaker.

The singing was funny because he comes off so desperate but you know what, he actually doesn't have a bad singing voice, and his band is first rate. When they would pop up at a CFL game or HMV or the annual street festival it wasn't my kind of music but I didn't hate them or his voice. When he would talk he was annoying and full of himself, and he was by no means a professional singer with star qualities, but he was far from garbage.

So his move to TV and films is a confusing one because his talents in those areas are completely non existent.

As many others have said here his TV show is actually purchased air time, like a late night TV infomercial, with a disclaimer stating such and everything. He runs commercials for his family's business products (D'Angelo juice etc) so he is hosting the "show" but also in all the ads by his "sponsors". As a host he is unfunny and uncomfortable with no interviewing skills whatsoever.

Following that he decided to become a movie baron of sorts who pays has been actors cash to appear in his movies, which he always writes, directs, stars in, does the soundtrack for, and so on (you get the point). He has zero training or talent in any of those areas, so predictably these movies are not any good at all.

In this, the latest one, he lays another egg in a paint by numbers detective story where he stars as a brilliant but difficult detective.

It's boring, it's amateurish, it's destined to be seen by fewer than a hundred people probably, but it won't stop him from making more because he is a man on a mission and a man completely in denial.

Also, like so many others, I feel a duty to point out that the thousands of votes here and particularly the thousands of thumbs up votes on the questionable rave reviews here on IMDb, are incredibly suspicious and I believe not real at all.
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