Future World (2018)
Underutilzed cast and a slog to get through.
7 August 2018
I've looked at this one a few times while at the RedBox kiosk but wasn't really sure if it was worth the time. I'd never heard of it, and that usually isn't a good sign when it comes to films like this. Occasionally though ones slip under the radar and you find a Gem (Beyond Skyline and Party Bus To Hell are a great example of that) So, with a loaded cast and an interesting premise I decided to give it a shot.

There are some good ideas in this one, but overall it's just not a good film. It drags terribly, which is not a good thing for a film of this type. You can get away with a slow film if the story itself is well crafted and there are brilliant moments of action to balance it out. That wasn't the case with this. It felt like there were good ideas that were never fleshed out. I found myself zoning out constantly and it was damn near impossible to pay attention. I appreciate the hell out of genre flicks like this, but they're often more miss than hit.

Even with lowered expectations going in the cast was underutilized. With some damn solid veteran actors, I expected more. Instead, they feel like they're there for name recognition only. There's nothing in any of the action sequences that stood out or were even all that interesting. I can't even pick out any moments from the film that stood out.

I'd only recommend this to diehard genre fans, and even then only if you're really bored.

My Rating: 3/10
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