Moonrise (1948)
Solid Noir ala Crime and Punishment - Moonrise
5 August 2018
You want dark? It doesn't get much darker than this. Director Borzage seems to live for shadows and darkness in this Ozark thriller. A son of a murderer thinks he has bad genes (blood), but its all in his head. After killing Lloyd Bridges in self-defense, he goes about trying to figure out what he should do next. Dane Clark, who must be related to Clark Kent, because he is in a serious car wreak, jumps off a ferris wheel and is chased by a pack of hounds without a scratch from any of them. Even Clark Kent would have trouble doing that, Harry Morgan does a good job as well as Billy, a deaf and dumb simpleton, who finds Clark's knife at the scene of the death. Will he get parole with good behavior? Or will he hang like his daddy? Tune in for the exciting conclusion. Recommended.
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