Cherry Pop (2017)
Great movie, bad message
3 August 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Here's the thing: I love drag queen movies. They are the perfect mix of cheesy, preachy, and crude. Cherry pop is a great queen movie at heart, but my problem with it resides in the basic message. This movie is about a straight man who dresses up as a drag queen not because it's his dream or he feels like a drag queen, but instead to catch his big break. That just doesn't sit well with me! First of all, drag is an lgbt thing. It's weird to have a straight white man appropriate gay culture, but not that weird. Like, if his dream was to be a drag queen and he really just wanted to live that lifestyle, then I think it would be totally fine that he was straight. However, his ultimate goal is not to be a drag queen. He just wants to preform. There's nothing wrong with that, it's judt not fair for him to use drag as a way to climb to the top! This isn't his culture and he has no particular love for drag, so he's literally just using it for personal gain and that just doesn't sit right with me. If the message hadn't been so accepting of blatant disrespect for gay culture, than I would've rated this WAY higher than two stars, but unfortunately I just can't support this message. It's a great movie, I just hate the main character!
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