Far Cry 4 (2014 Video Game)
Far from Cry, but Far from Good
31 July 2018
Warning: Spoilers
FC4 was the main installation of the series, after the incredibly successful FC3 and it had some pretty big shoes to fill in!

In FC4 the scenery changes a lot. You go to a Nepal'ish state named Kyrat, ruled by an insane dictator, Pagan Min. The reason is that your mom's final wish was to spread her ashes in a particular place in Kyrat. Thus, the adventure to find that place begins.

Storywise, there is merely nothing to keep your interest. The whole game is just a guerilla war against the dictatorship. The protagonist, Ajay, is by far the most indifferent starring character in the whole franchise and is just an "American" who is scared very easily. Although, it has a very strong plot twist in the ending. Also, a very clever ending if you stay at the room for 15' in the beginning.

The only really interesting thing in FC4 are the new animals and their mechanics, along with some new crazy physics. I adored riding elephants and doing the insane Shangri-La missions. But apart from these, nothing else really spectacular happens. Oh, and there are some "drugs" missions too, that have some FC insanity in them.

Overall, if you enjoyed FC3 and FC5, you could give it a try, just for the experience. But it is farly inferior to them.
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