Dames (1934)
Mad about Dames
31 July 2018
Okay. I am 61 years old so this film is way way before me. However I am also a lifetime fan of movies and movie makers who never should be forgotten. Thirties musicals were never that fantastic with their stories, it was always an 'excuse' rather than a reason for dance routines. Boy met girl, boy lost girl, boy found girl again or boy/girl want to put a show on/or be in a show, they can't get in and by a twist of fate it all happens in the last 4 minutes! We know.... None of the Astaire/Rogers movies are remembered for their sparkling story and Dames is actually a little bit better than those. Whether you laugh (I did) at Hugh Herbert today is down to you. I find him hilarious and yes, the comedy is way over acted but so is today's (Will Ferrell anyone?)... I like the persona of Dick Powell, his voice and renditions of songs are not my cup of tea though again in the context of the film absolutely fine. Blondell is gorgeous as she was in those early Thirties films and Keller is well... Keeler....but the real star is the man you can't see. Yes you guessed it I am referring to Busby Berkeley. It does take a while before his magic gets on the screen but when it does it keeps on coming. The very end bit which goes from geometrically moving bodies to freeze frame to Dick Powell's head tearing it apart as if it were a wallpaper is so ahead of its times in terms of technical accomplishment I was dumbfounded. If you love cinema, you need to see a Busby Berkeley number (preferably in the film context) once in your life at least because THAT man changed the way images were made and we still see an impact of his amazing work today. Men like Berkeley are seldom mentioned now, people, if they remember anything, remember directors and a body of work. Though Berkeley did direct, he will always be the man who created those amazing routines at a time when CGI and computers were scifi. So yes, loving cinema as an art form needs a Berkeley vieweing and you could do a lot worse than watch Dames!
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