God Bless the Child (1988 TV Movie)
Not-So-Gentle on My Mind
30 July 2018
I happened to see this treasure of a movie shortly after my twins were born. I was a single mother, temporarily living at my parents' home with my babies. This movie scared the daylights out of me and, like a recurring nightmare, still does after 30 years. Frozen, I watched as the single mother spiraled down into desperation and helplessness. The film superbly illustrates how easily this can happen. My twins and I had many struggles over the years, but we made it through, thanks to the angelic help of many beautiful souls. Through all the years, this movie haunted me with its searing truth and inspired me to refuse to give up the fight for my children's well-being. What a gift the writers and actors of this film have given us. Thank you with all my heart.
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