Review of Mojave

Mojave (2015)
Just A Terrible Movie, Brother
30 July 2018
I have come to the realization that Netflix is one of the few companies that can offer inferior product to the public, and the public eats it up.

The story here is fairly interesting, but the script is horrendous. A sampling;

"Where are you from? Where are you going? Who are you?"

"No one in particular."

"Anybody in general?"

"That's the crux of it, brother."

"You're not a talker. I like that."

That is basically how the dialog goes through the entire film. The one plus is, the dialog makes for a great drinking game. Take a shot every time the word 'brother' is'll be passed out before the halfway point, which is probably a good thing.

Another gem of dialog; "When you get what you want, what do you want?"

What I wanted was this movie to end.

One question: Mark Wahlberg? Really? Did he lose a bet?

All in all, an atrocious
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