Visually beautiful, but empty story.
30 July 2018
Warning: Spoilers
When I watched the trailer, Leonardo DiCaprio's Revenant immediately came to my mind. This film cinematography is very much of similar quality that I couldn't help making visual comparisons.

Visually, it's a very beautiful film to watch. But, the screenplay was seriously lacking a good story. While the Revenant is a story about survival against the odds, Bajo la piel de lobo never really establishes a core theme. The story just seemed pointless. Had the second wife stayed with him and made a life with this mountain man, then we could establish the theme is about redemption, forgiveness, acceptance and being misunderstood. But because she doesn't, the film just falls off a sharp cliff into nowhere.

It's a shame because cinematography is masterful, but the screenplay makes it spiral down to earth. I give it a 6 out of 10 because of the great camera work. If I disregarded the cinematography, I might have given it a 2 or 3 out of 10
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