Bonanza: A World Full of Cannibals (1968)
Season 10, Episode 14
Simple story done well
26 July 2018
A simple story of an eye witness, Charles Ball (James Patterson), for a trial hiding out on the Ponderosa at the request of Ben's friend. Multiple attempts to kill Charles have, so far, failed.

But, Charles has an offer of $50,000 to not testify, so he goes back and forth on what he wants to do. Through a coded message his wife shows up and the Cartwright crew are not happy because, "if you can find him, so can someone else".

Of course the bad guys show up and take Little Joe hostage for a prisoner exchange.

Just a little note, when this aired James Patterson is only 3.5 years from losing his battle with cancer. So, this is one of his last appearances.
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