Jim Jefferies: This Is Me Now (2018 TV Special)
Quite boring, moved it to the second monitor
25 July 2018
I watched this on my computer and after like 25 minutes I moved it to my 2nd monitor and decided to do something else primarily. The jokes are okayish, but not very original. There wasn't a single moment where I actually laughed or, you now, exhaled air through my nose loudly.

I watched his TV show exactly once and turned it off after 10 minutes. It was pure garbage, non-funny and nowhere near the old Jim stuff. Of course there is a difference between a stand up and a weekly show (is it weekly? no idea). But then again he has writers for that show.

Anyways, he seems more tame, maybe life wore him down. Maybe he has to do specials, but doesn't really want to. The party in Hollywood stuff where he met de Niro: Is it just me or did he tell this somewhere else already? Because I knew the part, I knew he would pretend to be a director, I knew his agent would jump in etc. Maybe he told this in some YouTube video, but that must've been at least 4-6 months old, because I didn't really watch any Jim stuff recently.

Overall it was a 4/10, but he is still likable, so 5/10
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