Rough Around The Edges, But A Huge Improvement From The First Hurricane Bianca
25 July 2018
I was surprised at how often I found myself laughing at the ridiculousness of Hurricane Bianca: From Russia With Hate. After being underwhelmed by the original Hurricane Bianca, which played more like a public service announcement than a legit comedy, I went into From Russia With Hate with low expectations, and maybe that helped, but this time, everyone involved has stepped their game up. The cast is better, and better utilized than the original Hurricane Bianca, and the jokes are much funnier and land more often.

While the first movie tried to be funny, many of the jokes were stale and too far and few in between to make it worth it, but now everything works together to turn Hurricane Bianca into what it should've been from the start: a spoof. The entire movie is lampooning Russia, and making fun of the entire country, while the first movie's digs at Texans fell flat, this time the scenarios are so ridiculous and campy that it actually works.

My biggest complaint with Hurricane Bianca is how long it took for her to officially show up into the movie. It's a whopping fifty minutes into the movie before Roy's character actually gets into drag. But this movie is also carried by Shangela who is always excellent and entertaining, and Katya, who is a surprisingly good actor, and really should be getting more work. The movie has many guest stars that are injecting the movie with energy and charisma during its less exciting moments.

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