Groundhog Day for unintelligent people
24 July 2018
This movie is just bad.

Can't say I was expecting much, admittedly. The cringeworthy trailers and bad press it has been receiving led me to believe that it would be a less than exhilierating cinematic experience, but I figured I would give the movie a go nevertheless.

My first complaint would be that the idea has been done to death. The whole 'Groundhog Day' routine has become stale. This movie doesn't present enough of an interesting plot line or characters to warrant me sitting through the same scenario multiple times.

Without risking spoilers I would like to just warn everyone not to get their hopes up about the "reveal". It is painfully delivered and possibly one of the weakest excuses for a plot twist I have ever seen.

When evaluating this as a part of the horror genre... well... it doesn't belong to the genre even remotely. Any violence or gore is shyed away from each time the protagonist is killed because it instantly cuts to her waking up. I'm not saying blood and guts are necessary to a horror film (see It Follows) but I was at no point in this movie even remotely spooked in the slightest.

In terms of redeeming qualities, I felt that the acting was adequate, given the poor script the actors were left to deal with. There were some details that I enjoyed about the film, for example the admittedly witty sticker on the door of the room the protagonist finds herself waking up in repeatedly. But aside from these minor things, this movie really doesn't deliver in any way. Poor.
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