a fine introduction to Terry Pratchett's "Discworld" series
24 July 2018
Warning: Spoilers
A loving, careful, reverential adaptation of Terry Pratchett's first "Discworld" books. The delighted viewer will recognize many a beloved character : Rincewind, the most inefficient wizard since centuries ; Cohen the Barbarian, whose life of fighting, looting and wenching has not kept him from reaching a venerable old age ; the ruler with the iron hand in the silken glove known as the Patrician ; the vicious but wondrously efficient Luggage, with its dozens of mean little legs. The production values are high and the visual and special effects are good, as are the costumes and props. This allows the city-state of Ankh-Morpork (aka London's seedier twin) to spring to life in all its twisted glory, complete with magic university, assassins' guild and painfully enterprising real-estate owners.

The series sticks closely to Pratchett's work, complete with dialogue. As a result there's many a gem to be savoured, such as the episode where Cohen the Barbarian, a very old man, is the honoured guest of some fierce warrior nomads. What, asks one of the nomads, is the highest glory, the greatest pleasure that Man can achieve ? What is it that makes life worth living ? Is it the feel of the wild, untamed wind through one's hair as one rides along the steppe ? Is it the knowledge that one has defeated one's enemies ? Is it the sound of enemy women lamenting their loss ? All eyes are upon Cohen, who ponders the matter before deciding : "Hot water, good dentistry and soft lavatory paper".

The cast is a treat - where else are you going to find both David Jason AND Tim Curry ?

If I've got a quibble it is that the Twoflower character was a bit simple, in both senses of the word ; not so much the fault of the actor, as of the way the character was written for the series. Apart from that, a very enjoyable series, and an excellent introduction to the "Discworld" universe.
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