Find Me in Paris (2018–2020)
What in the...?
24 July 2018
Warning: Spoilers
This show is so unbelievably preposterous and silly that I can't even. My teenage son and I decided we had to watch the first episode because the synopsis was so outlandish. I wish I could see the pitch meeting for this. A Russian princess accidentally Time travels to 2018 where she is able to join the same dance school and has to blend in because 3 teenage-age steam punk are chasing her. You can't make this stuff up. I need to know how this got made. Was it a HS project that won some weird competition? Highlights so far: -graphics in the time portal are hilarious -episode 5 when the steampunk kids go through the portal is so overacted and amazing. -all the hip hop is so incredibly bad and the dance odds and parties have maybe 20 people and are so painfully uncool that it's hillarious.
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