Extinct or Alive (2018– )
23 July 2018
Warning: Spoilers
So sad that one of my favorite television programs recently aired with Forrest using profanity on what I thought was a family show. I moved 'Extinct or Alive' to the bottom shelf of my 'Watch No More' list. While In Taiwan in search of a purportedly extinct Formosa Clouded Leopard he happens upon one man, then another laying on the ground. He asks 'Who are these men?' 'Are they they drunk or on drugs?' Isn't he there as their country's guest? The U.S. has laws against being drugged or drunk in public; do we know if they do? Were they given a tutorial on these basics? He used profanity!! My heart sank to hear him sound off as though he was that country's leader! It seemed as though every other word he used was 'f...' and 'f..n'. How very sad this show aired! Perhaps many young people (and many more may be included from the various age brackets), this kind of unsavory language is not suitable for many audiences! I was offended! Even embarrassed for him! He is representative of us! I hope he personally does not have young people who look up to him. He disappointed in this episode. His expeditions are informative, educational & fun to watch. That will be missed. I give this program three strikes - he is out of my living room! Furthermore, he lied in this same episode stating the venomous pit viper the camera man was inches from walking on had no anti-venom available. According to Wikipedia, anti-venom is available in Taiwan for this venomous snake! Wow!! He said he does not exaggerate but not only did he do just that, he punctuated his information with a big lie on national television!!
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