Mask Maker (2011)
Time waster
23 July 2018
If you ever wondered why horror movies get such bad press,then 'mask maker' should give you more than a few clues. Two college students have recently acquired an old house at surprising low price.Said house has a past, the aforementioned students invite friends round to help with renovations,carnage ensues.Yawn. If you are lucky enough not to have viewed any of the 300 odd genre movies 'mask maker's cribs from,then you might find this movie refreshing and new and it's storyline charmingly succinct, Everyone else be prepared for a particularly overpowering sense of deja vu when viewing this. Unimaginative in every conceivable way from the casting (vapid pretty boys/girls playing major characters,genre veterans in small roles) to the bland,formulaic script (jump scares anyone? Or how about a post Coital couple getting murdered?.Choose your cliche folks,chances are it's here).Watching paint dry is as pointless an exercise as watching this yawn inducing crapfest,but at least the act of painting itself has some artistic value,unlike mask maker.
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