Strange Angel (2018–2019)
21 July 2018
Warning: Spoilers
It's good till the 5th episode, then the whole thing turns into a Spielberg joke. It's based on a real person's life, so it's really disgusting that they make him out to be collaborating with the "NAZIS" to build missiles that will nuke every city in Europe. Oh please, give me a break, yawn! Then at the very end of the episode he literally turns into a werewolf. All this, after his wife is made out to be a frigid Catholic fanatic, who's own father wants to have sex with her. As well, she's conspiring against her husband with her priest. Also, the nasty Anglo Protestants that head the university are trying to ruin him. Oh, an attractive African woman is interested in him sexually, as well as his buddy neighbor whom is madly in love with him. The ritualized oral sex was interesting. Needless to say that this moronic filth can only come from the diseased inbred minds of Hollywood.
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