Review of Patti Cake$

Patti Cake$ (2017)
Way better than I expected. Danielle MacDonald can rap!
21 July 2018
As others have said, I went into this not expecting much. I expected it to be a maudlin, pull on your heartstrings story about a large white girl who wants to rap. It was that without being maudlin or pulling on your heartstrings. It strikes the right balance of silly and sober. I was surprised to see that Danielle MacDonald can rap as well. Does it resemble 8 Mile and Hustle & Flow? Yes it does. But it's also its own thing. And just because one or two good movies were made on an idea doesn't mean those are the only movies that should ever be made for the rest of time. If so, we'd have like 50 movies to tide us over until the end of humanity.
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