Another Asylum Dud
17 July 2018
If it's got "Asylum" on the credits, it's a dud, every time. Potential viewers be warned: this is no different than typical Asylum schlock. Neither funny nor entertaining... but amazingly not as bad as most Asylum films.

The acting is so-so, not as bad as everyone might present considering the budget, short production time and terrible directing. The script is terrible, which gives the actors little to work with. I actually rather enjoyed the part of Rumple; he was properly villainous. Mag was over-the-top villainous, which such parts require. Mad Hatter and Alice were moderately tolerable. Sleeping Beauty was a blonde bimbo present only for eye candy. Prince Charming was ridiculously and properly hero-prone. Red was fairly cute and decently acted (for a limited-part stone-cold assassin).

The time travel theme and special effects were neither as bad nor as confusing as some have claimed in reviews. The time travel part was actually rather simplistic as far as such plots go. It's Asylum; no one expects cerebral out of them. I don't really understand how other reviewers didn't follow the time-travel pattern; it wasn't at all complex... nor even essential to the plot. It was just sort of thrown in for who knows what reason. So they could tack "Time Wars" onto the title?

This might be good for a chuckle on a rainy Saturday, Mystery-Science style with your friends. Or not. Again: there are far better films. I really don't know why I bother to keep watching Asylum films. Deer in the headlights or the ridiculously-optimistic belief that someday they just might make a good one. Seriously... that is just never going to happen.
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