The Chalet (2017–2018)
A Simple Mystery
16 July 2018
Do not be misguided by the oxymoron in my review title, in this case it is certainly not an anathema to enjoying this production. In my humble opinion, the most difficult thing to do while making a suspense mystery is to make a 'Simple Mystery'. Something that we all can engage in, be engrossed in and enjoy with an ending that makes sense. This almost fetishist need of most productions to 'be different' more often than not end in forgettable productions with bad aftertaste.

'The Chalet' like innumerable productions before it is a mutation of that great masterpiece 'And then there were none'. The director and the writers have added their own spices and garnishes to differentiate but essentially it is formed from the same ingredients. Yes, it contains several loopholes and yes, you would have solved the mystery long before the director gets around to the big reveal. But still, it is an entertaining little production. It is atmospheric, the production values are top - notch and the actors are more than competent. I enjoyed it, particularly the ending. It was a bit off, but what the heck it was alright by then.

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