What's the point?
16 July 2018
It's hard to understand what the director was going for with this film. At the beginning you spend a lot of time with the lead character as he tries to survive the hardships of living a solitary life up in an abandoned village at the top of a mountain, but even from the off the guy is pretty horrible and quite disgusting and you just can't bring yourself to have any sympathy for him. When he was eating I continually felt my stomach heave as pigs in a sty make less noise eating than he did, and when he was working he made this animalistic wheeze which was also quite sickening. When he eventually decides to take a woman, and I mean take a woman, from the village down the mountain, things don't work out so well and from here I just wanted someone to gut the horrible oaf and be done with it. I won't even go into the sex scenes which were clearly more of a rape than anything humanistic. Maybe this is how men are expected to be seen in Spain, like macho neanderthal cavemen, I really dont know, or maybe it was just bad film making where the director didn't know how to add some balance so we could at least see some likeability in his main man, but no, the guy was hateful, unlikeable, and I felt no connection with him whatsoever. The movie was kinda dull after a while too I must say.
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