Not great, but good enough for true crime fans
15 July 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I had not heard of this movie or about the real events that inspired it before accidently stumbling across the movie on Netflix. But I gave it a chance anyway, and I am glad that I did. While the low budget of the entire enterprise does show at times, and that some of the characters (particularly the three young men who free their convict father and accompany him on his escape) could have been fleshed out some more, the movie does manage to command your attention all the same. The acting is solid and professional, particularly Robert Patrick as the criminal patriarch of the family; he not only comes across as very dangerous, he comes across as dangerous in a believable manner. Also, the story is presented in a manner that doesn't have any dull moments, even when it cuts away from the fugitives and focuses on the supporting characters. You'll be interested in knowing how everything will be wrapped up in the end.... though a flash-forward in the opening sequence does kind of spoil the surprise. It's well done enough to earn mild sleeper status, making it worth a look.
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