Review of Network

Network (1976)
Didn't like it.
15 July 2018
Personally I found it loud, superficial, silly, and ultimately irritating. The frenetic energy had a lot to do, apparently, not with enthusiasm, but the director hurrying it along to keep within budget.

What was it all about? An exaggerated demonstration of how people are exploited by the media? They are, but not as blatantly as this. It was supposed to be overdone, of course, but for me that didn't save it.

You can call it satire, or what you will, but it became a fantasy, not a drama. The trouble is that, if you want to make a film about exploitation, make it real. To spend two hours being hideously over the top at the top of your voice to make a simple point like that is unnecessary. It wasn't comedic either. It wasn't funny, it was just loud.

Of course the acting was fine but the script dwelt too much on money, ratings, materialistic nonsense that personally was about as interesting as watching an accountant doing balance sheets, and myopically so.

So, sorry, bored to death and wishing it was over. Which, thankfully, it was eventually. Peace at last.
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