Shame on you, American government and military forces, and shame on you,
13 July 2018
All the reviewers who believed this film was a biased propaganda against America. Where were your humanity, your conscience, your morality, your basic logics, your ability to distinguish right and wrong? Shame on you, the reviewers with such blind patriotism to America even after watched this atrocious film about how the American government and its military forces used Bikini Island and its innocent islanders who lived on the island, used them as guinea pigs for their H bombs tests. These heartless reviewers without conscience would try their best to blame such kind of films are the tricks played by the far-left Liberals who usually mean the Democratic Party members. All the good things for human civilization were given by the conservatives, the Republican Party.

Now, American government is doing it again to demonize China and trying their best to brain wash the majority of Americans by condemning the Chinese as the ultimate threat to America and the Americans. When a nation with its only working military power to dominate the world and tries to use its military power to decide what is wrong and what is right, to use its formidable weaponry to manipulate the wind direction against China, then it just so inevitably becomes what the doomed Roman Empire to fool itself and its people with the last hurrah. Now we have blindly put a crazy man into the White House, a guy almost as similar as the crazy guy who led the Nazi Germany into oblivion and total destruction, with the same old tricks of accusations, finger-pointing insults to almost everyone who's not see eye to eye with him. A guy who administrates the government and the nation with his iPhone Twitter, while allowing his daughter to represent him as the royal princess to visit foreign countries and in the meantime, to promote her own commercial territories. Just within 2 years after this guy's inauguration, the fortune and the wealth of her and her husband have increased another $82 million dollars. While making her profit by contracting or subcontracting the Chinese factories to churn out her products, her father is claiming the trade war with China, and conspiring a war with China. There's no logic whatsoever to what he is doing now. The trade war against China would never has any impact to him, his Party, those morons in the Senate and the Congress, but would put the 99% ordinary Americans into a more difficult living condition. I am quite sure that the most popular chain store in Ameirca, the 99Cents Stores, would never survive since most of their goods from China are either @ or under $1.00 since the general goods, the must-have and the must-use products, after a 25% import tax hike, would become impossible to remain unchanged. And we, the common people are doomed.

When you use the same ideology patriotism to fool most of the naive Americans, you are no different from the Chinese Communist Party leader, and your Party is no better than your targeted enemy's Party. America, under the blind guidance of a crazy captain, has undoubtedly become a Ship of Fools.
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