Why was this even made?
13 July 2018
Every movie that has ever been made had a reason behind it. This could have been it was a passion project. Or they felt a story would work great on the big screen. Or maybe they just wanted to make a lot of money. The problem is that none of these seem to be why this movie was ever made.

This was made by "The Actors' Theater Production Company" which I literally can't find any evidence for. No website. No listing. Nothing. It's like they made up a name and just went with that. No other productions were ever made by them. I'm guessing that after this, they realized that they were never going to make it big so just decided to stop while they were ahead.

The story itself is dull. It's plodding, stupid and nobody can act. The male lead is bland and can't show emotion. The female lead is bland and can't show emotion. I'm convinced that these are just two people that answered the casting call and were the only two that showed up thus garnering them the lead roles.

The directing must have been non-existent. I'm not kidding when I say there was a 2 minute long scene of the male lead drinking a glass of orange juice from start to finish. Why? It doesn't add anything to the story. We see everything that leads up to an event even though it's not necessary. Entire scenes show them walking in front of a green screen for minutes on end. And of course half the time they stand in front of a green screen, face the camera and deliver dialogue as if speaking to the other person. This is a movie. You're supposed to move and be animated, not stand there and blather.

Plot points lead nowhere. It's just they need something to happen so it happens and later on they forget about it because it's no longer relevant.

In the end it's just a bad movie that isn't even enjoyable in a "so bad it's good" kind of way. It's terribly dull. Avoid it at all costs.
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